In 2011 the lawn had much less of a budget. Bandit Camp exit to Tavern-August 2011 |
Some of that acreage number is run heavy and thick with trees, tall
weeds and brambles, covering various slopes of elevation and terrain,
and remain inaccessible for the first level -adventurer to play on. I
had major plans in my head: Ideas like how to make those trails
accessible to the public and informing LARPers why their character
should want to make the strength, endurance, and constitution checks it
takes to the body to explore the untamed areas of land. I fantasied
about writing up little map for each area and putting one clue of a
hypothetical quest or a skill training activity at the center of the not
so commonly explored BF landmarks. I even went as far as to design
tokens that would represent the completion of a quest, an area achievement, or skill advancement. The thought of how to safely maintain and
mark the trails for public access to the viewpoints and additional
points of interest on the Faire lands seemed too much an endeavor for
the first year and one person's efforts. I
could not lose focus on what the overall goal of this year was to
be: The stage that was already in game had to be more ascetically
maintained, the tavern exterior had to be finished to blend in more
with the environment, and the Back 40 needed to be brought out of the
path of destruction the previous years had spun her into. I told
myself, next year there would ideally be time to make those ideas manifested and open up the game to different levels.
Photo exiting Bandit Camp to the Tavern Yard during BoFA 2011 |
Points of Interest this year became, listed from Faire entrance to 40: The Parking Lot-->Troll Bridge-->Fording the Fight Pit--> StreamSide--> Bandit Camp --> Tavern Yard and Water Feature--> Usable Tavern --> Battle Field-->Back 40. The Back 40 did not acquire priority until there was talk about hosting a Paintball LARP event back there, but more about that development later.
During the 2011&2012 Season, the Faire did not possess the resources, time, nor the manpower to maintain all of the usable space. Therefore the Battle Field was kept only half maintained with an overgrown weed berm to outline the hard boundary of the field of play.
In the remainder of the field, there was to be high grasses that would soon be choked out by tall weeds if left unchallenged. The Stone Circle was located in this unmaintained half of the field, but was to always be kept an accessible point of interest, even during the early events.
Cannot deny, that I personally enjoyed what the tall weeds provided to the set of Britannia Faire. I remember during this time the weeds were left to grow into a maze. This made battles more exciting and kept your adrenaline on edge for surprise combat as you rounded any corner of this overgrown labyrinth. However, some individuals began to worry about the number of ticks that were wandering beyond their welcome in the tall grass. And with that thought, sadly the maze would be sacrificed to the Mowing Calvary as an attempt to decrease the percentage of encountering these minuscule foes.
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Path to the swimming hole Pre 2013 season. Photo capture belongs to David Laime. |
To address the concerns of the people, and to give them more room to play on, the remainder of the battle field was to be maintained as a putting green in the upcoming season. The rest of the in game land was also to be sustained as short and clean cut as possible. Keeping up with this request required a 4 day start to finish battle with the growing number of grass soldiers and specialized weed infantry. This battle would be fought in closer intervals during the warm, wet, and sunny summer months that were to follow.
During the spring months, one can get away with only fighting this battle once before the opening Masque Ball event during Beltane in May. This is due to the fact that most of Winter's run off is still flowing and the lawn is just waking up to shake off its rest phase.
Lawn maintenance at this point required traversing
the lawn to collect downed sticks and tree limbs that may have had a
tumble with gravity during the off season. The completion of this
task provides a simple stock of tinder and fire starters that one can
use for heat and light: + Survival BONUS
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The beginnings of Bandit Camp's Shag Carpet. |
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The Fight Pit in it's Spring Shag |
It is not long until the entire Faire is covered with a layer of thick hair. Again the idea was to postpone the first cutting until near the first event to minimize the growing expense lost to the land battle fund.
When the time came before Masque of 2013 and '14, any tract of land able to be mowed by the Rider was to be completed as priority. Then as time presented itself, I was to go back and trim around all borders paying close attention to details and how I could shape the land with maintenance. This land maintenance game acquired the name Elvin Magic down the road to represent how some elves are depicted in games and stories to be in tune with nature so much as to have the power to shape and encourage growth of the environment in which they live. Well this game allowed you to do just that... only in a real time setting.
There was a lot of playable area that was unsuited for the rider and even push mowing. Thus two and a half days was allotted to trim the entirety of the playable area every time the Faire needed to have its hair cut. Every bolder, every stump, every tree, and every structure would be outlined by a weed whipping device.
As time consuming as this process was, I actually enjoyed the 2.5 day whipping challenge. Covering that much area encouraged one to pass a strength and safety check: holding the weed eater up for 8-10 hours at a time. There would be time for reprieve when one would run out of whipping thread or completely empty the gasoline reservoir. If one did not have the kit nearby which consisted of plastic wire, wire cutters, one gallon of gasoline oil mix, ear plugs, and eye protection, one could give your arms a change and haul the weed eater back to the shop for a water, fuel, and bathroom break before heading back out into the thick of it.
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The summer state of the Bandit Camp Berm. |
There was an idea I had the early 2014 season that if kept up, would cut off the need to weed eat around all the trees and berms of Bandit Camp, thus saving a half of days worth of time and about one gas reservoir fill up of fuel. However due to the portal closure, this was unable to be maintained and feels much a wasted effort. However, had the season gone on as expected, I’m certain this would have worked out to its intent. I will discuss further the beginnings of this project and its requirements further along in the Blog when we reach that time in the story.
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Additional perspective of how fast the grass can get away from the grounds-keep. June 2010-Photo Credit to David Laime |
During the off event weeks, the Faire was left to its own devices, given free range to grow until the next need came around. However, with the summer months right around the corner, that time became more and more frequent.
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Additional perspective of how fast the grass can get away from the grounds-keep. June 2010-Photo Credit to David Laime |
To be fair, the area around the tavern yard and battle field were maintained at a more regular interval at once every two weeks no matter what the state, For this area was to be the feature and where the visitors would spend the most time. Occasionally, during periods of heavy rainfall followed by two days of sun, even this two week interval proved to be too far apart, and you just had to bite the bullet and mow the grass again even though you swore you just mowed it three days ago.
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Troll Bridge as it stood pre-mow 2011 season. Some time in the future this bridge would go on to receive roped guidelines for safety and looks. Photo credit to David Laime |
Walking all the way out to the Parking Lot, crossing the threshold into the land of Britannia Faire, one can see the impression it would give to first time visitors were something as trivial as the parking lot left unmaintained. ****As far as I have ever been a guest on Britannia Faire's soil, one has always been greeted by the sight of the white Bobcat here to give first timers a confused yet wonderful first glimpse into the world.****
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"These are the Faire's Entrance Guardians; really they are." |
This rock structure was erected July of 2013 on top of a stump that is part of a hard to maintain inclined area that marks the front of the parking spaces. In the background of the photo one can see the effect trimmed grass has on this area. Sadly, no more pictures exist of the happening of the parking lot. There was a few things that went on in this area this season. The edges of the lot became more defined, while there was metal in the form of steel, harvested from the soils underneath. The water's edge located a few steps in front of this structure also became a hot spot for gravel and rock harvesting. In addition, sometime near October the land would acquire the TimberKing Saw Mill, back from top side unsold to reside once again within the lower lands.
Around this area, to the right of the bridge's end, is a huge bramble patch. This was the closest spot in which to gather berries that didn't involve a walk to the back 40's edge. They would make a wonderful treat if I was to be mowing or trimming in this area.
This year, mowing and trimming services would extend to the roadway traveling stream-side, that serves as the main path for four wheeled dragons and other vehicles that go on to supply the Tavern with various goods and services.
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Stage one: After the mower, before the trimmer. Sadly no Stage two photo for comparison. |
This individual right here funded most of the gasoline expense at the Faire during the 2013 season in addition to the many repair parts it took to keep a working home grade lawn mower in shape enough to maintain the diverse yard and lawn features that is the Faire. This was commonplace for Timmourne Darkwater's Avatar the days before a summer event.
As aforementioned, the tavern yard and the battle field was intended to be the most up kept area at the Faire. This required constant attention in the summer. If one let the grass grow too long before the next cut, the clippings would dry up in the sun and leave a gray tint upon the grass. Not to mention clumps and stray grass clippings would hang to your clothes and stick to your feet, after the dew forms in the valley on cool damp nights. That was great for adventure impression. (Sarcasm) I would constantly gamble with how soon to trim the grass. If I waited too late, the blades would be long and dry up, but if I cut them too soon, the blades will have had a chance to grow back before the players arrived and the set lost it's sharpness.
However, after two or three days of decay and a bit of rain, the valley floor loses its faded look and pops back into sharp and saturated hues of green. This picture gives segue to a short side story about the charging solar light patch. A few months into the season, Elon would go on to purchase a supply of solar lights valued one dollar per light. During events we could outline a path in light, or put a solar light onto an area with a stump or something that could be potentially hazardous while traversing the Faire lands at night. This lead to a decreased fuel bill, by avoiding the price of diesel fuel to refill the many Tiki torches used to mark those same things in the past. Having the lights recharge between events in one centrally located patch made it better for lawn care. With the lights here, I would not have to worry about whipping a stray one (or four) of them down when they became hidden underneath the growth of the Faire. This process of place and retrieve took a few attempts to manifest itself. For the reason this area would glow at night, it became referred to as the mushroom patch. In addition, if one would hold the light at a certain angle, it could be used as an impromptu flashlight.
During the summer, I would go on to experience a "been there, done that" feeling with the lawn care project. As aforementioned, the lawn took 4 days to completely level. Periods of heavy rainfall followed by multiple days of full sun and a cool dew in evening's light would be the correct combination for the land to push itself to stretch higher into the sky. Almost overnight one could witness the day's prior five o'clock shadow morph into a thick, full beard of lush grass.
the longest time, the Faire did not have a working trimmer. Timmourne
left his personal one on loan to the Faire. This would work out for
until the beginning of July when the engine just couldn't keep up. It
was time to upgrade to a machine that could. It was discussed how
necessary a trimmer was to the stage of Britannia Faire and the core
group of managers agreed that it needed to be a priority replacement. So
after Ragnarok XXIX, Elon would front the money for this commercial
grade trimmer.
It is honestly the best trimmer I have ever had the pleasure of using, and I've worked many landscaping jobs in my day. This thing could attack anything. The day I brought it out of the box, it was the sound effect when Link opens a treasure chest and finds something useful in the SNES Game Zelda: A Link to the Past. This trimmer was to be my master sword and I was going to cut the money out of those weeds. ****Sadly, no rupees or life increasing fairies were found during these adventures****
Anvil mounted a top of Rider. Together their efforts would tame areas in the Back 40. |
"Every morning I wake up being serenaded by Zelda music... my roommate is an addict and falls asleep to it after I am already sleeping. I am usually the first one up as the day breaks through the small window above the door and falls on my bed. Thus continuous Zelda music on loop fills the airwaves. Not that it is a bad thing... just a daily thing." - Journal entry of Theowyndwood Keyote dated June 13th 2013
This was not a perspective seen by the regular public. This is from the passage that led from the back of the cabin, garage and woodcutting area; around to the kitchen, and past that to the tavern or garden.
It feels just the same: when the grasses and wild flowers are trimmed back, off of the immediate work/stage area, my mind has space again to process thoughts of progress. Until the base is maintained at a constant state, there could be no room for additional production elsewhere. Once this level was achieved, one was able to get a 4-5 day stretch of days where one does not have to directly work on the land; longer still if the rains held off.
This was the look the land had the day before Masque Ball of 2013. The land had been managed and cut just in time for arrivals the following day. The Faire looked so lush with growth at this time and Britannia Faire's Lawn Calvery totally pulled start-to-finish spring lawn maintenance off in three days. This was due to the extra hands involved. Multiple people on the rider, Anvil on the push and myself wielding the current trimmer sword on hand.
There were multiple ways to cross this drainage crik, that separated the Tavern Yard from the Front Lawn. There was two wooden bridges built over it, the one above remains the vehicle bearing path, along with two naturally placed rock bridges. In well maintained times the risk is low enough where one can jump the banks like Achoo from the movie Robin Hood Men in Tights. For those of you that want the reference ( at time reference 1.21s- 1.35s
This bridge had many outfits throughout the season. Currently the bushy grass was warranted survival to add some contained elevation, texture, and additional spring green to the stage.
Holding off the trimming right up until Masque meant I would gamble with the grass height to decay ratio. It was three days before an event and the grass was still a dull decaying plague about the water feature. But too many other things needed to be prepped with no extra time to warrant going back and raking out the dead grass. Even the water flow had dried up enough to hinder the natural removal of these trimmings from this feature.
As luck would have it, both good and bad, the day of the event, it would rain. This additional energy naturally whisked some of the dead dry weeds away from the rocks. It still did not contain the striking look a raked bed would have resulted in, but this is how the dice would fall. There was another event in which I missed timed a trimming, but that event I made sure to make time to rake off the dead grass beforehand given that there was no predicted rain for that event weekend. It just looks more of a feature when its trimmed and clean.
The flowing waters easily melted the dead grass color away and replaced them with sharp, lush, coloring.
is not advisable to mow the lawn in the rain, as the water give extra
resistance to the blades underneath the mower deck and depending on how
high the clippings are they could clump within the deck and stall out
the engine. Mowing on sloped surfaces while the grass is still wet is
also not advisable. The tires may lose grip and the tractor could slide
sideways or become in danger of flipping depending on grade or cause
deep ruts in the heavily saturated ground. However, weed whipping in the
rain has less of a risk. More than once I found myself wielding in the
rain, knowing that this was the only time I had to complete the task
at hand if I was to get it done on time. More than once I lost my shoe
the way mowers may lose their tires in the mud. Good thing this is
small scale damage.
I got smart and vowed to wear only my combat boots into the field
during this challenge. I could fully lace them up past my ankle and they
had much more traction on slopes and thick grass when compared to my
sneakers. The con was that they weighed a few pounds heavier on my feet.
Over time, I welcomed the challenge and saw the task as additional leg
For true safety in the 2014 season, I found some soccer pads to wear around my shins to ward off the flying rock that is thrown at your legs at painful speeds. Again with portal closure, I was unable to use my armor level up for this game.
I only wore one pair of pants for weed trimming, knowing the chloroform would back lash and stain my jeans with its life-force. In the late or early of August, the sun was high for three days and so were the weeds; I wore these pants through so much mascara that they actually stood erect by themselves after I had vacated them on the third day, rigid with plant matter.
For true safety in the 2014 season, I found some soccer pads to wear around my shins to ward off the flying rock that is thrown at your legs at painful speeds. Again with portal closure, I was unable to use my armor level up for this game.
I only wore one pair of pants for weed trimming, knowing the chloroform would back lash and stain my jeans with its life-force. In the late or early of August, the sun was high for three days and so were the weeds; I wore these pants through so much mascara that they actually stood erect by themselves after I had vacated them on the third day, rigid with plant matter.
How I love my job. It allows for such creative play. This day I played the Stag of Britannia Faire defending the Realm from invasive vegetation take over. Reward for completing this challenge: Stronger arms and laterals muscles, (+Strength exp) and (+Endurance exp) for fighting the battle two 8-10 hour days in a row.
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Common look after a day of trimmin' |
About half way through the season, I began to play another game with myself. I would race my previous lawn trimming time to see if I could begin to weed eat the Faire faster and faster as the lands were tamed and condensed. I was excited late summer when I was able to get the trim time into two days worth when it had previously taken two and half of day three's time. This mentality is how I approach the once grueling task of weed eating the lawn: by turning it into a game of attack, defense, and strength training whenever I wield a weed whip.
On days I listen to music, its energy would go on to encourage an extra rhythm in my step. This allowed me to double dip and train how to shift energy within my body with additional objects encouraging certain movements. By encouraging myself to remain mobile this added training allowed me to take that practice and shift it over to hoop dancing or fighting footwork. There were added benefits all over for doing work.
At the far end of the battle field past the entrance to the swimming hole, a very narrow road appears in the form of a causeway. This was the barrier in between Britannia Faire's Medieval Adventure and the portal entrance into Britannia Faire's Post Apocalyptic lands of destruction and rune. This naturally formed set would be the perfect stage to shift Britannia Faire into a different reality of Paintball LARPs with the potential for proper range training of firearms with instructors. But that is the beginning of another adventure. Let us end enjoying the beauty of our medieval fantasy land.
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